Thuringian Sausage – Preparation In The Air Fryer

Thüringer Bratwurst – Zubereitung in der Heißluftfritteuse

Thuringian Bratwurst – Preparation in the Air Fryer

Thuringian Bratwurst from the air fryer – is that possible? And if so, how? We show where the advantages lie, clarify the most important questions, and give you tips on how to prepare the perfect bratwurst in the fryer.

Thuringian Bratwurst from the Air Fryer: The Advantages

It may not be the classic way to prepare a Thuringian Bratwurst in the air fryer – but it is not impossible. At the right temperature and with the proper preparation, this method even offers some advantages:

  • No Fat Needed: You save calories, money, and effort in washing up.
  • No Turning Required: Unlike on the grill or in the pan, you don’t have to turn or flip anything here. The effort is reduced, and there is no risk of burning at the correct temperature.
  • Faster Cooking: In the air fryer, the bratwursts are ready in just a few minutes. Neither pan nor grill can compete with that. So, if you’re in a hurry, the air fryer is a good choice.
  • Less Effort: Set the fryer, put the bratwursts in the basket, wait, and it’s done. It doesn’t get any easier.
  • Less Odor: When frying in the pan, the smell often spreads throughout the kitchen, and despite the exhaust fan or ventilation, a greasy film settles over time. This is not the case with the air fryer.

So, trying out this cooking method is definitely worth it. However, the typical, smoky grill flavor is naturally not achieved.

At What Temperature Should I Cook Thuringian Bratwurst in the Air Fryer?

Ideal temperatures range between 170 and 180 degrees Celsius. The cooking time is comparatively short, and the bratwursts remain juicy. Alternatively, you can cook the sausages for three minutes at 180 degrees and another three minutes at 200 degrees.

Due to the heat, caution is advised to avoid burns – both from the basket and the sausages themselves.

How Long Does It Take to Cook Thuringian Bratwurst in the Air Fryer?

If you want to prepare bratwurst in the air fryer, you only need to wait five to six minutes. After this short time, they are ready to eat.

If you’re in a hurry, the air fryer is the ideal choice.

Score or Not?

Before putting the Thuringian Bratwurst in the fryer, the question of scoring or piercing always arises.

To avoid bursting, you can lightly score the sausages on one side. Multiple piercings with a toothpick or a roulade needle can also prevent bursting.

However, it also depends on the sausage and personal preference. Those who want an especially juicy result and are willing to risk tearing can entirely forego preparation.

How Many Bratwursts Can Be Cooked at the Same Time in the Air Fryer?

This depends on the size of the device and the sausages. On average, four to six sausages fit in.

Make sure to place each bratwurst with enough space between them. Otherwise, they will not cook evenly. So, don’t try to fit as many as possible at once, but ensure there is airflow between them.

Do Bratwursts Get Crispy in the Air Fryer?

Juicy and delicious on the inside, crispy on the outside – that’s how the perfect bratwurst should be. Whether they come out with a crisp bite from the air fryer depends on the device and the sausage.

Some achieve the perfect result, while others remain softer than from the pan or the grill.

Can Frozen Thuringian Bratwursts Be Cooked in the Fryer?

Yes, but the cooking time will be extended accordingly. Check when the bratwursts are fully thawed and only then count the cooking time. For faster thawing, it is advisable to set the temperature as low as possible initially and then increase it. This way, the bratwursts are not cooked on the outside while still frozen inside.

If you have the time, it is still better to thaw everything in the refrigerator or at room temperature before cooking. This leads to better results.

Thuringian Bratwurst in the Air Fryer – What Are the Alternatives?

If you don’t want to use a pan or grill to cook your Thuringian Bratwurst and don’t own an air fryer, you can use your oven.

The advantage here is that you can prepare significantly more bratwursts in the oven without fat. You have minimal effort in preparation, cooking, and subsequent cleaning. The difference from the air fryer is the available space. You can fit significantly more bratwursts in the oven than in the fryer.

Two other differences are the behavior during cooking and the duration. To achieve even cooking, you must turn the bratwursts in the oven by hand. Usually, this measure is sufficient halfway through the time.

At 180 to 200 degrees with top heat and convection, the cooking time is between 12 and 15 minutes. After six to seven minutes, you should turn the sausages.

Does your oven or microwave have a grill function? Then you can use this instead of top heat and convection. Usually, the cooking time is also reduced. Additionally, the bratwurst often becomes crisper.

Dishes Prepared with Bratwurst in the Air Fryer

If you want to prepare an entire dish in the air fryer, this also works wonderfully in small models for one to two people. Potato wedges or fries and bratwursts can, for example, be prepared simultaneously without any problems.

For currywurst with fries and ketchup-mayo, all that’s missing are the sauces.

Air Fryer as an Alternative for a Quick Thuringian Bratwurst

Bratwursts cooked in the air fryer are quickly ready, require no effort, need no additional fat, and the preparation is more energy-efficient than in the oven. This is true at least for smaller quantities.

The advantages are convincing and are further enhanced by the possible combination with side dishes and the low preparation effort. The air fryer is, therefore, a good alternative to the pan and grill. Cooking in the oven is also possible.

However, it is clear: The smoky aroma of a charcoal grill cannot be replaced. For those who like the Thuringian Bratwurst classic and authentic, the grill or pan is indispensable.

Even in the air fryer, the quality of the Thuringian Bratwurst is crucial. High-quality ingredients and traditional recipes are not available from the butcher nearby? Then order your bratwursts originally from Thuringia and have them delivered to your doorstep.

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