Thuringian Rostbratwurst: Raw or Parboiled

Thüringer Rostbratwurst: roh oder gebrüht

Thuringian Rostbratwurst: Raw or Parboiled?

The original Thuringian rostbratwurst is a spicy delicacy renowned and beloved well beyond Thuringia’s borders. But is the Thuringian rostbratwurst bought raw or parboiled? How should it be prepared, and what are the typical side dishes? Answers to these and other questions about this Thuringian treat can be found below.

What Defines the Original Thuringian Rostbratwurst?

A sausage can only be called "Original Thuringian Rostbratwurst" if certain requirements are met. Originally, at least 51% of the ingredients had to come from Thuringia, but in 2011, the EU overturned this rule, arguing that Thuringian origin alone doesn’t guarantee quality. However, many diligent producers still prioritize regional ingredients, particularly sourcing meat locally to ensure maximum freshness.

At least half of the Thuringian bratwurst should consist of lean pork shoulder, which serves as a substitute for the fatback typically used in other sausages. Pork is the main ingredient, but high-quality ground beef or veal is also permitted.

The pure fat content of the sausage must not exceed 25%, and offal is forbidden. Instead, Thuringian rostbratwurst is known for its high proportion of quality muscle meat. Additionally, Thuringian rostbratwursts are:

  • 15 to 20 centimeters long,
  • weighing between 100 and 150 grams,
  • free from preservatives,
  • stuffed in natural casings.

The label "Original Thuringian Rostbratwurst" is also only allowed if the sausage is actually produced in Thuringia.

Spices and their ratios vary by butcher, and recipes are often closely guarded over generations. Besides salt and pepper, spices like caraway, marjoram, and/or garlic are used depending on the region.

Thuringian Rostbratwurst: Raw or Parboiled?

Thuringian bratwurst is usually sold raw—meaning it is not parboiled. It hasn’t been heated but reaches its full flavor through natural curing processes, giving the rostbratwurst its distinctive taste.

When parboiled rostbratwurst is offered, it has been heated to 80 degrees after production. This causes the protein in the meat to coagulate, making the sausage firmer. Parboiled Thuringian bratwursts are more commonly found in supermarkets and less often at butchers.

Whether you choose raw or parboiled Thuringian rostbratwurst is ultimately a matter of taste. Both versions can be prepared the same way, frozen, and are equally delicious.

How to Properly Prepare Thuringian Rostbratwurst

Whether raw or parboiled, the Thuringian rostbratwurst is traditionally grilled over charcoal, but frying it in a pan is just as easy. If you opt for grilling, you can give the sausages an extra touch by deglazing them with beer while grilling. This not only adds a unique flavor but also creates a wonderfully aromatic atmosphere.

If you prefer to fry the Thuringian rostbratwurst in a pan, consider the following tips:

  • Use high-quality lard instead of margarine or oil.
  • Set the stove to medium heat.
  • Only flip the sausages when one side has reached the desired level of browning.

For an especially appetizing color, you can briefly soak the sausages in hot water before frying. Then pat them dry and sprinkle with a bit of salt. This helps open up the pores of the sausage, ensuring optimal exchange between the sausage’s juices and the cooking fat. Depending on your taste, you can also fry a few onion rings and serve them as a side.

Thuringian Rostbratwurst - Raw or Parboiled: Typical Side Dishes

In Thuringia, you’ll find bratwurst stands on every corner serving the original Thuringian bratwurst in a split bread roll with mustard. Other popular side dishes for bratwurst lovers include:

  • Mashed potatoes and sauerkraut
  • Onion rings
  • Potato salad
  • Boiled potatoes, drizzled with frying fat
  • Leaf salad with mustard dressing

When it comes to sauces, you have plenty of options. Thuringian rostbratwurst isn’t just good with mustard. It also pairs well with ketchup or even Asian sweet-and-sour sauces, though these may not be traditional choices.

Buy Raw Thuringian Rostbratwurst

Are you craving some Thuringian rostbratwurst? You’re in the right place. Our in-house sausage factory has been producing Thuringian rostbratwurst for over 60 years, using only meat from local farmers to ensure the highest quality and freshness. Order your fresh Thuringian rostbratwurst online, and we’ll deliver it raw and parboiled right to your doorstep.

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