Prepare American Ribeye Using Sous-Vide

Preparing American Ribeye Sous-Vide: Tender And Juicy To Perfection

It might seem like an odd idea to use a vacuum sealer for the perfect steak preparation. But as crazy as it might sound, this idea is not. The cooking method in question here is the sous-vide method. With this method, you can create the best steaks from a ribeye. When cooking sous-vide, the meat is sealed absolutely airtight with a vacuum sealer and then cooked in a water bath at a consistent temperature. This way, the ribeye stays nice and juicy while preserving its full flavor.

Once the steak is perfectly cooked, it is briefly seared on the grill to create the desired roasted flavors. And your sous-vide ribeye is ready.


Ribeye Sous-Vide – Cooking Time Is Crucial

Before preparing the steak, it is packed in a heat-resistant plastic bag, which is then tightly sealed airtight and waterproof with a vacuum sealer. It is extremely important that the bag is completely waterproof to prevent moisture from reaching the meat during cooking.

Seasoning is generally not necessary; however, it is beneficial to add thyme, rosemary, garlic cloves, and a bit of butter to the bag. Then knead the ingredients in the bag from the outside before cooking to mix the herbs and meat juices well.

While the vacuum sealer is working, prepare the water bath for cooking the ribeye. Use a sufficiently large pot and a thermometer that measures the water temperature precisely. For sous-vide ribeye, a temperature of 52 to 54 degrees Celsius achieves a very good result. If you prefer the steak medium, aim for a cooking temperature of 54 to 56 degrees Celsius.


Precise Sous-Vide Cooking At A Constant Temperature

It is an art or possibly a game of patience to maintain the water temperature absolutely constant. While professional thermal circulators are available, they can be costly. However, it is also possible to cook sous-vide with household stoves and pots. Induction stoves are most suitable because they maintain cooking temperatures more consistently. Heat the water to the desired temperature and monitor it with a thermometer during cooking. It is recommended to have ice cubes and a kettle ready to quickly adjust the temperature if necessary.


Sous-Vide Chart For Ribeye: Perfect Cooking Times By Thickness And Doneness

The perfect cooking time depends not only on the water temperature but also on the thickness of the steaks. The following ribeye sous-vide chart can serve as a guideline and help.







50-54 °C

1.5 cm

55 min


2.5 cm

75 min


4 cm

130 min


5 cm

170 min


6 cm

220 min


7 cm

270 min

medium rare

54-56 °C

1.5 cm

55 min


2.5 cm

75 min


4 cm

130 min


5 cm

170 min


6 cm

220 min


7 cm

270 min


56-60 °C

1.5 cm

55 min


2.5 cm

75 min


4 cm

130 min


5 cm

170 min


6 cm

220 min


7 cm

270 min

well done

60-65 °C

1.5 cm

55 min


2.5 cm

75 min


4 cm

130 min


5 cm

170 min


6 cm

220 min


7 cm

270 min


After Cooking: Grilling The Ribeye

Now the sous-vide ribeye is cooked. What’s next? It should also have that "grilled" taste. Take the meat out of the water bath (and of course out of the bag) and dab it with some kitchen paper to dry. For the desired roasted flavor, place it on the hot grill for about one minute per side. If you want a bit of a stronger crust, extend the grilling time to about a minute and 30 seconds. Remove it from the grill and let it rest for a moment to develop its full flavor. Now simply plate the ribeye and enjoy. A good side dish is a baked potato with sour cream.

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